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Core Set 2019

18 bytes added, 10:19, 17 October 2022
Core sets were released in the year previous to their name
{{Infobox set|M19}}
 ==Overview==[[Core Set 2019]] is the 13th ''Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest'' set, released in July 2019 2018 in version 2.8 of the game. The set abbreviation is M19, and the set icon ([[File:M19_Symbol.png|x16px|M19]]) is a stylized representation of the set abbreviation.
Although M19 is a core set in ''Magic: The Gathering'', in ''Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest'', the set is treated the same as any other expansion set.
[[The Dragon War]] is a Legacy coalition PvP event, released at the same time and featuring elements of the set. It was last run in March, 2020.
M19 is tied with [[War of the Spark]] and [[Adventures in the Forgotten Realms]] for most Planeswalkers. Six PWs were released along with the set: [[Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants]], [[Liliana, Untouched by Death]], [[Nicol Bolas, the Ravager]], [[Sarkhan, Fireblood]], [[Tezzeret, Artifice Master]], and [[Vivien Reid]].

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