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[[Liliana, Untouched by Death]] is a black human Planeswalker, introduced in July 2018 along with the [[Core Set 2019]] card set.
She has lower than average health, average mana gains with a very unbalanced spread, and average deck limits with a focus on Creatures. Her mana gain is one of the strongest in the game; she is tied with [[Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord]] for a very high +7 Black mana bonus; as of October 2022, the highest Black bonus in the game. She still manages +3 to Red and Blue, with deep cuts to White and Green.
Her abilities have a zombie theme, including destroying cards from her library and dealing damage if they are zombies, permanently debuffing creatures based on how many zombies she has, and returning zombies from her graveyard to hand at reduced cost.