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She has average health and average deck limits. She has good mana gains in Black and Blue, slightly less good in Red, and small minuses in White and Green.
Her abilities revolve around zombie {{Ability|Token|Tokens}} and {{Ability|Corrupt|Corrupted}} gems, both of which she can make from a unique support {{Ability|Token}}, and from {{Ability|Destroy|destroying}} cards in hand or a creature in play. She also benefits in several ways from casting creatures from the graveyard, and can create a copy of a [[PMA]] support which punishes players for hoarding loyalty, which support (The Chain Veil) also comes in her [[#Starting Deck|starting deck]]. She has a Passive Ability, [[#Master of Death|Master of Death]], retroactively acquired after the release of [[Adventures in the Forgotten Realms]], which enhances her graveyard recursion by giving mana to creatures with {{Ability|Buried}} as they die(in addition to that which {{Ability|Corrupt|Corrupted}} gems give them).
Liliana, Master of Death is the eighth of many playable Planeswalkers in MtGPQ which embody Liliana Vess at different points in her life.
:<< [[Professor Onyx#Story|Professor Onyx' Story]]
:>> [[Liliana of the Veil#Story|Liliana of the Veil's Story]]
[[Category:Activated gems]]
[[Category:Destroy creature]]
[[Category:Gain mana]]
[[Category:Improved gems]]
[[Category:Lose life]]
[[Category:Passive Ability]]
[[Category:Set ability]]
[[Category:Summon creatures]]