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Historical events

2,379 bytes added, 22:10, 21 November 2022
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== Breaking Points ==
* [[Breaking Points]]
A [[Coalition]], Legacy, PvP event. 5 charges out of 7 maximum, 8 hour refresh on three nodes, 3 days, 39 total matches, 273 total points. 2  Two versions. One seems to have required the player to use play against, or possibly with, [[Saheeli Rai]] on the top node, and the other, to use with or against [[Tezzeret, the Schemer]] on the top node.The remaining four nodes were unrestricted. : Breaking Points 1Top. Saheeli Rai node{{Objective table header}}{{Objective|Win||5|100}}{{Objective|Aether Boost|5|1}}{{Objective|Protector|2|1}}|}Left{{Objective table header}}{{Objective|Win||5|100}}{{Objective|Aether Boost|5|1}}{{Objective|Shield|75|1}}|}Right{{Objective table header}}{{Objective|Win||5|100}}{{Objective|Aether Boost|5|1}}{{Objective|Resilient|15|1}}|} :Breaking Points 2Top. Tezzeret the Schemer node{{Objective table header}}{{Objective|Win||5|100}}{{Objective|Aether Boost|5|1}}{{Objective|Artificer|4|1}}|}Left{{Objective table header}}{{Objective|Win||5|100}}{{Objective|Aether Boost|5|1}}{{Objective|Aggressive|0|1}}|}Right{{Objective table header}}{{Objective|Win||5|100}}{{Objective|Aether Boost|5|1}}{{Objective|Anti-Magic|1|1}}|}
== Inventor's Fair ==
* [[Trial of Strength]]
A [[Coalition]], [[Legacy]], [[PvP]] event. 5 charges out of 7 maximum, 8 hour refresh, three days.
As with [[#Breaking Points|Breaking Points]], only the names of the Planeswalkers involved are known, not whether the player was required to play using them or against them: [[Gideon of the Trials]], [[Nissa, Steward of the Elements]], and [[Liliana, Death's Majesty]].
:Trial of Strength 1
Gideon of the Trials node
{{Objective table header}}
Node 2.
{{Objective table header}}
{{Objective|Army of the Dead|3|1}}
Node 3.
{{Objective table header}}
{{Objective|Spell Caster|4|1}}
:Trial of Strength 2
Nissa, Steward of the Elements node
{{Objective table header}}
Node 2.
{{Objective table header}}
{{Objective|Army of the Dead|3|1}}
Node 3.
{{Objective table header}}
{{Objective|Spell Caster|4|1}}
:Trial of Strength 3
Liliana, Death's Majesty node
{{Objective table header}}
{{Objective|Army of the Dead|3|1}}
Node 2.
{{Objective table header}}
Node 3.
{{Objective table header}}
{{Objective|Spell Caster|4|1}}
== See also ==

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