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Card pack

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=== Hibernum expansions ===
As of October 2022, there were 37 sets released, but there are only 34 [[Card pack#Regular pack types|Booster pack]]s available. [[Eldritch Moon]] cards were moved into [[Shadows over Innistrad]] packs, [[Oath of the Gatewatch]] to [[Battle for Zendikar]], and [[Aether Revolt]] was rolled into [[Kaladesh]].[] Hibernum made them expansion sets; they are , as of 2022, not available to purchase on their own,[] although they have been offered as prizes on occasion.
Not only do they not have their own packs, they Subsets only contain one-third or so of the associated Magic: the Gathering set's cards. Commons were the first to go, and none of the three have a single {{Rarity|C|45}}. Not having Masterpieces is a separate issue; [[KLD]] was the first to have {{Rarity|MP|45}}, [[AER]] has them, and [[BFZ]] and [[SOI]] do not.
Because they have no packs, they tend to have their main Main set's cards or packs are often offered as rewards in their own subset events. , and presumably to offset card availability imbalance, Eldritch Moon even had its cards given as rewards in the main set's event: as :As of October 2022, an [[EMN]] Rare is still given as a reward in [[Avacyn's Madness]]; not in a pack, but "loose", as are rewards for [[Training (Story)|Training]]:Special 5-card booster packs with 65 of the 67 [[Eldritch Moon]] cards were constructed to award as additional, holiday season prizes in the December 2022 running of [[Avacyn's Madness]].
[[Hour of Devastation]] was the first set to not be added to the pool of cards of the previous, odd-numbered release. All of this may sound dire, but most of it either benefits the player or balances out. Commons tend to be less useful. Not having Masterpieces means that more powerful cards tend to be found at the Mythic or even Rare level, to which {{Card URL|Omniscience}} and {{Card URL|Whir of Invention}} attest. Players were concerned, when Hour of Devastation was announced, that its large card pool would make acquiring [[Amonkhet]] cards too difficult, but it was not made into an expansion. The small size of the three expansion sets, with their smaller card pool, less diluted their main sets. Special 5-card booster packs with 65 of the 67 [[Eldritch Moon]] cards were constructed to award as additional, holiday season prizes in the December 2022 running of [[Avacyn's Madness]].
== Booster packs by set ==

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