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Return of the God-Pharaoh

88 bytes added, 18:50, 15 February 2023
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RGP has three "wheel" nodes to AM's five. The points awarded on each "wheel" vary greatly just as AM's do: 15 points on the first and 60 on the last, compared with AM's 10 points on the first and 55 on the last. They are spread similarly, also, with the middle wheel on both being 15 points for the Win! objective in both events.
An event diminishing in frequency in the years past; it was scheduled to run three times each in 2019 and 2020, twice in 2021, and once in 2022, on the 4th of November.
=== Special rules ===
== Notes ==
A more than five year old event, which diminished in frequency in its fourth and fifth year; it was scheduled to run three times each in 2019 and 2020, twice in 2021, and once in 2022, on the 4th of November. It was last run on the 10th of February, 2023.
The deck list for [[#1.1 The Sunset Pyramid|Node 1.1, The Sunset Pyramid]], was incomplete for years. When originally compiled, a duplicate listing of {{Card URL|Dunes of the Dead}} was overlooked. The correct card listing, {{Card URL|Desert of the Fervent}}, was added before the November 2022 run.