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Vraska, Golgari Queen

60 bytes added, 12:15, 15 March 2019
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She has average health, average mana gains with a balanced spread, and average deck limits with a focus on Creatures.
Her abilities have minor themes around life levels and support reinforcements, including gaining life and spending a reinforcement for minor card draw and mana, and creating an indestructible support token {{Ability|Token}} which continues to grow and cause the opponent to lose life according to its size. She can also permanently degrade enemy creatures or supports.
Vraska, Golgari Queen, sometimes called V2, is the second of two playable [[Planeswalkers]] in MtGPQ which embody Vraska at different points in her life.
| PW Level 1 = 16-29
| Loyalty 1 = 18
| Effect 1 = Create a Golgari Assassins token {{Ability|Token}} [with 4 shield and "At the end of your turn, if you control 1 or more creatures and if your opponent lost life this turn, reinforce this support and your opponent loses X life, where X is the number of reinforcements of this support."].
| PW Level 2 = 30-45
| Loyalty 2 = 18
| Effect 2 = Create an Improved Golgari Assassins token {{Ability|Token}} [with "Cannot be Destroyed or Exiled. At the end of your turn, if you control 1 or more creatures and if your opponent lost life this turn, reinforce this support and your opponent loses X life, where X is the number of reinforcements of this support."].
| PW Level 3 = 46-59
| Loyalty 3 = 15
| Effect 3 = Create an Improved Golgari Assassins token {{Ability|Token}} [with "Cannot be Destroyed or Exiled. At the end of your turn, if you control 1 or more creatures and if your opponent lost life this turn, reinforce this support and your opponent loses X life, where X is the number of reinforcements of this support."].
| PW Level 4 = 60
| Loyalty 4 = 12
| Effect 4 = Create an Improved Golgari Assassins token {{Ability|Token}} [with "Cannot be Destroyed or Exiled. At the end of your turn, if you control 1 or more creatures and if your opponent lost life this turn, reinforce this support and your opponent loses X life, where X is the number of reinforcements of this support."].
==Starting Deck==

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