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Tezzeret, Artifice Master

67 bytes added, 11:54, 18 March 2019
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He has average health, high mana gains with a balanced spread, and average deck limits.
His abilities have an Artifact theme, including creating thopter creature {{Ability|Token|Tokens}}, and drawing cards with a boost to artifacts. He can also create a support {{Ability|Token}} which {{Ability|fetch|fetches }} creatures and supports from his library each turn and gives them full mana.
Tezzeret, Artifice Master, sometimes called T3, is the third of three playable [[Planeswalkers]] in MtGPQ which embody Tezzeret at different points in his life.
| PW Level 1 = 16-29
| Loyalty 1 = 24
| Effect 1 = Create a Minor Tezzeret's Craftsmanship {{Ability|Token}} [with 4 shield and "At the beginning of your turn, {{Ability|fetch }} the first creature from your library. It gains a third of its mana."].
| PW Level 2 = 30-45
| Loyalty 2 = 24
| Effect 2 = Create a Tezzeret's Craftsmanship {{Ability|Token}} [with 4 shield and "At the beginning of your turn, {{Ability|fetch }} the first creature from your library. It gains two thirds of its mana."].
| PW Level 3 = 46-59
| Loyalty 3 = 24
| Effect 3 = Create a Improved Tezzeret's Craftsmanship {{Ability|Token}} [with 4 shield and "At the beginning of your turn, {{Ability|fetch }} the first creature from your library. It gains full mana."].
| PW Level 4 = 60
| Loyalty 4 = 24
| Effect 4 = Create a Major Tezzeret's Craftsmanship {{Ability|Token}} [with 4 shield and "At the beginning of your turn, {{Ability|fetch }} the first creature and support from your library. They gain full mana."].
==Starting Deck==

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