Template:Calendar header

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Three templates work together to create a weekly event schedule, starting on a Sunday:

This template generates the header, and expects 3 unlabeled parameters representing the date on the first day of the week of the schedule:

  • The first parameter is the month name.
  • The second parameter is the day number.
  • The third parameter is the year number.

An optional fourth unlabeled parameter is the mini flag; if non-empty, the calendar output will skip some columns to shrink its width.

This template opens a table, which must be closed in the usual way ("|}").


The following shorthand:

{{Calendar row||pre=pvp,5|Rising Tensions              |2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1|start=04:00}}
{{Calendar header|February|24|2019}}
{{Calendar row||pre=pvp,5| Rising Tensions                |2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1}}
{{Calendar row||           Training Grounds               |1,1|2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1|7,1}}
{{Calendar row||           Trial of the Planes            |2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1|cols=W,U,B,R,G}}
{{Calendar row||           Hour of Revelation             |1,2}}
{{Calendar row||           Terrors in the Shadows         |1,2|4,2|7,1}}
{{Calendar row||pre=pve,4| Oath of the Gatewatch: Part 1  |3,3}}
{{Calendar row||           Oath of the Gatewatch: Part 2  |5,3}}
{{Calendar row||           Return of the God-Pharaoh      }}
{{Calendar row||           Tour de Ravnica                |1,1|start=04:00}}
{{Calendar row||pre=duel,1|Duel Decks: Zendikar vs Eldrazi|3,3}}
{{Calendar header|February|24|2019|1}}
{{Calendar row|1|pre=pvp,5| Rising Tensions                |2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1}}
{{Calendar row|1|           Training Grounds               |1,1|2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1|7,1}}
{{Calendar row|1|           Trial of the Planes            |2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1|cols=W,U,B,R,G}}
{{Calendar row|1|           Hour of Revelation             |1,2}}
{{Calendar row|1|           Terrors in the Shadows         |1,2|4,2|7,1}}


 RT Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngReward-blank.png

Event schedule
24th February 2019
February March
24 25 26 27 28 1 2
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
 RT Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngReward-blank.png

 TG Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngReward-blank.png
 TotP Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngReward-blank.png

Trial of the Planes (White)
Trial of the Planes (Blue)
Trial of the Planes (Black)
Trial of the Planes (Red)
Trial of the Planes (Green)
 HoR Legacy 
 Progression rewardsPlacement rewardsCoalition rewards

 TiS Legacy 
 Progression rewardsPlacement rewardsReward-blank.png


 OGW:1 Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngReward-blank.png


 OGW:2 Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngReward-blank.png

 RGP Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngCoalition rewards|

 TdR Legacy 
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngReward-blank.png

Duel  ZvE  
 Progression rewardsReward-blank.pngWinning side rewards


Events February March
24 25 26 27 28 1 2
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Trial of the Planes (White)
Trial of the Planes (Blue)
Trial of the Planes (Black)
Trial of the Planes (Red)
Trial of the Planes (Green)
