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Joined 6 February 2020
Revision as of 03:26, 24 December 2021 by AnarchangeI (talk | contribs)

Beginner Guide
This is not MtG.

PQ has:


Power is not your friend. It is your enemy. Fast wins are for Training Grounds and Story Mode, and those are quite a small portion of the game Events.


There are only three creatures you ever need face. If you have enough lifelink to match the power on the other side, you can't lose. However, this interferes with Job 1: Objectives. What else can we do about the Lanes? We can jam them up with weak or disabled creatures, with Hixus or Turn to Frog + Ravenform + The Trickster-God's Heist.

Or we can just kill them. Kill Spells are tactical in MtG; there's always too many creatures to kill them all. Not here. Here you are guaranteed not only to have enough kill spells, but automatic card advantage as well. Kill any reinforced creature and you have already won the card advantage game.


See XP

Mastery is also our enemy. Bronze now features many opponents who know this, and tailored their decks to stay in Bronze and kill the noobs. Be equal to them, lose to them, doesn't matter; it is still better than facing the much greater number of excellent players who not only tailor their decks, but have access to cards you may never own.


Kill Spells. Always. Origins. Always.


PMA cards are also always Standard.

Binding the Old Gods. Kills supports or creatures, draws a land, kills your own creatures if you have too much power/ kills more of their creatures.

Lifelink. Won't be staying Standard in Black ever. The future is probably therefore White+X Planeswalkers, and making do with Tragic Arrogance. Or just hoping that opponents aren't playing creatureless damage in Bronze, and accepting the losses if they come. Or moving up to higher Tiers when juggling white and black PWs against known Bronze direct damage opponents is not enough. Crutches like Shadowspear and Poet's Quill inevitably move out of Standard and waste Mastery points.



5 points to all colors: The five Origins lands


1 point to all colors: Alchemist's Vial
Optional, dubious: 5 points to all colors: Helm of the Gods. However, there is nothing quite like Vigilance, First- or Double-Strike, and Flying on a sufficiently big creature.


Mastery/total. Best Source is packs or Crafting unless otherwise noted.

2/2 Binding the Old Gods
4/6 Cruel Revival
4/10 Fleshbag Marauder
8/18 Priest of the Blood Rite
8/26 Snuff Out (PMA) - Crystals
8/34 Unholy Hunger - always $2.50 in Vault


2/ Read the Bones. Draw is not usually the issue. Mana is.
16/ Infinite Obliteration. Same goes for Greg, to a certain extent, although the AI infamously cheats very hard with cascades. In any case, Kill wastes Greg's mana and card. Bounce wastes only the mana. Discard wastes only the card. Drain.. forget it.
2(+2 Blue)/ Possessed Skaab. Combos with Cruel Revival, as Fleshbag does, and can bring back cards
8/ Languish. Optional because with that many kill spells, you might not even need it to kill your own creatures for those objectives.

Honorable mention: Shadowspear is versatile at doing damage: a Power bonus, lifegain, and Trample. Poet's Quill, by comparison, is versatile at gameplay in general. Not only lifegain and power, but card draw, or a creature, or a creature buff.


4/54 Blue: Turn to Frog


Harbinger of the Tides. Bounce, mostly inferior to kill, even with the additional cost. "Greg", the computer opponent, understands cost and will switch to another card efficiently.
Ravenform. Another lane blocker.
Claustrophobia. Lane blocker, but the low shield makes it unreliable.


4/4 Animist's Awakening
Conclave Naturalist
Gather the Pack
Herald of the Pantheon
Mantle of Webs
Sylvan Messenger


Nissa's Revelation. 20 life. Probably won't need the 5 cards.
Gaea's Revenge/Outland Colossus. Power is your enemy. This is the type of card you are trying to avoid having to use, by staying in Bronze. Also too expensive for Nissa's A3 to pay for.
The Great Aurora. See Languish
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen. Too expensive for Nissa's A3 to pay for.


Chandra's Ignition. Kill all theirs, spare mine? Sign me up.

That's all. Really. Red is a dustbin Wizards of the Coast throw cards rejected by their more favored colors.


White, on the whole, is the antithesis of Red; the love child of WoC. They get everything the other colors have, and other colors usually are barred from getting their stuff. That said, there still isn't much here, because paper Magic is so different. However, and in evidence of other colors not getting their stuff, in Origins, white is the only source of Lifelink.

2/2 Enlightened Ascetic
8/10 Gideon's Phalanx
16/26 Hixus, Prison Warden
4/30 Knightly Valor
16/46 Tragic Arrogance
4/50 War Oracle


None of these follow the rule of White Always which is the only Bronze-stable future.

Ashiok, Nightmare Muse

Draw one of their cards, bounce what you can't/don't want to kill, maybe finish with a 30/30 Hexproof unblockable creature. Or just stay safe and ready to Bounce.

Llanovar Wastes + Yavimaya Coast. Switch to Shivan Reef against a Green opponent.

Nissa of Shadowed Boughs

Never A1. Sometimes you can just A3 and win, especially since A3 counts as Casting creatures and thus Summoning as well. Otherwise A2 for Summoning creatures and to make enough black for A3 and green for Gather the Pack. Overwrite the Priest if you are really low on life, perhaps, otherwise you will probably want to cast him again and just overwrite or refuse the Demon.

Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor

The single turn of damage from A2 is usually much less than the repeated damage from A1 Devils. A3 is usually a bad idea, because you should be able to kill most things before they kill you, but they might kill the opponent before you want them dead.

Kaya, the Inexorable

Very nice bag of tricks. Haven't played with her yet. Serra has been enough so far, but my analysis of Black indicates that it would be foolish to remain mono white.

XP Events

20 initial, 2 thereafter

  • Story

6 initial, 2 thereafter?

  • TG

Starting Cards

PWs then Origins PW bundles then PMA then crafting Origins with Orbs

PMA, in addition to their own value, clears a path for Origins Rares and Mythics

  • Chandra Ignited : Pyromancer's Gauntlet (clears path for PMA) 140
  • Liliana 8 : The Chain Veil PMA 170
  • Sarkhan Unbroken : Avaricious Dragon 350

  • Jace Mirror : Glasspool Mimic 70, Silundi Vision 55

  • Ashiok Muse : Eat to Extinction 60
  • Ashiok Sculptor : Devourer of Memory 80
  • Ellywick : Ranger Class 55
  • Elspeth Nemesis : Idyllic Tutor 100
  • Huatli Radiant : Baffling End 75, Pillar of Origins 35
  • Jeska : Epicenter 70
  • Kasmina : Double Major 75
  • Liliana 4 : Plague Mare kills reinforcements 70
  • Liliana 5 : Lich, meh
  • Liliana 6 : discard, meh
  • Lolth : Warlock Class 75
  • Mordenkainen : Dragon Turtle 110
  • Niko Aris : Mystic Reflection 50
  • Professor Onyx : Blex 65
  • Wrenn and Seven : Ghoulcaller's Harvest meh


Require Facebook for login? No. I will not use Facebook, ever. (I use Facebook now for my alt. Not proud of that U-turn, but it happens.

It was only ever a game of beating a cheating gem swapper when it stopped cheating or, more often, the cards it played were so terrible that it couldn't win even with cheating. A little effort into making actual puzzles would have gone a long way.

(Still is, and would still)


  • InevitableEnd kills do not count towards Story objectives, probably because kill counters probably only check during the player's turn


Gideon Blackblade's invulnerability has proven invaluable in Training and, in particular, in Story, where most of the scenarios' objectives, high numbers of unlikely and/or uncontrollable and/or detrimental things (achieve the feat of eight of your creatures being destroyed!) cannot normally be completed before the computer or the player are dead.


Legends of Eldraine 20xp > 2. But only 5 of the 15 possible points because secondaries don't count.

Leveling too much, worst case scenario

  1. Story mode: Five Planeswalkers; the first gets 20 XP, the rest get 2 XP per card per game, twenty eight XP on cards, for ten gold for all-color completion. The Objective reward is cheaper, or free if done at the same time, for 15 gold. This can be seen as 20 XP for 15 Objective gold and eight XP for 10 Completion gold. In total, 25 gold for 28 XP
  2. Training Grounds: One Planeswalker x6 XP per card per game for four games, twenty four XP per card, for fifteen gold. More XP per gold all told

Conclusion: Don't avoid Story mode, but complete it; don't just do Objectives. But note that the first Objective rewards only Runes. Returning to complete it in a separate game would get more XP Gankutsuo - Count of Monte Cristo UESP mercilessly slashed and disdained contributions but now pleads for them. In vain, since fans now edit here instead •

Legend of Dragoon Wikia User page • • Many Wikia projects. One of the more recent is Battleforge Wikia. Since then, many in the links above, plus Legend of Dragoon wiki, and Torment wiki and Vampire: the Masquerade - Redemption and Vagrant Story may be replaced by the above links soon as well. Legend of Dragoon Wikia is a very well-kept site; its scope is not wide, but it is tended with care by fans not wiki-fuhrers, so there is less need for me to work on it.

Perfect World wikia: Less complete than the original wiki . At one time, the Wikia version was more complete on game entities that had been recently introduced, as no one much worked on the old wiki, but new hands have taken up the task. Conversely, the Wikia is being expanded with more high-level content. Gankutsuo - Count of Monte Cristo