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Duel Decks

64 bytes added, 10:30, 18 March 2020
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== List of Duel Decks events ==
* [[Duel Decks: Zendikar vs Eldrazi]]
* [[Duel Decks: Daxos vs Kalemne]]
== Format ==
# '''Challenge Phase:''' Players play PvE games using provided decks to unlock one or both planeswalkers featured in the event, allowing the planeswalkers to be selected in the Duel Phase.
# '''Duel Phase:''' Players choose a side by selecting one of the two featured planeswalkers, construct their own deck, and play PvP games to gain victories for their side.
# '''Final Duel Phase:''' Players continue playing PvP games as in the Duel Phase. A status bar shows which side is winning.
== History ==
The first Duel Decks event, [[Zendikar vs Eldrazi ]] (ZvE), ran as a Beta Test over two weekends in October 2018. The first Beta had charges hit every five minutes, and the second was limited to a charge every six hours. Although the first format was more popular, the second format was used for the general release. A new "refreshed" version of ZvE ran on May 25, 2019 in release 3.4.
No A second Duel Decks events have yet been created apart from ZvEevent, [[Daxos vs Kalemne]], was added to the game in March 2020.

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