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Battle of Four Tribes: Part 2

Revision as of 07:52, 20 February 2019 by Volrak (talk | contribs)
Battle of Four Tribes: Part 2 (B4T:2)
Type PvE Legacy Coalition PvE Legacy Coalition
Rewards Progression rewards Progression
Coalition rewards Coalition placement
Nodes 3 (x3 sub-nodes)
Charges 2 initial charges
5 maximum charges
8h recharge time
Specials Permanent support  Perma-support in play
Card XP gain 20 XP (all wins on a node)
Introduced Rivals of Ixalan RIX · March 2018 · v2.5
Portal:Events   (Infobox · Data)
Event Series
Battle of Four Tribes
Part 1 Battle of Four Tribes: Part 1
Part 2 Battle of Four Tribes: Part 2


Event Details

Battle of Four Tribes: Part 2 is the second part in a two-part series of 3-node Standard coalition PvE events.

Battle of Four Tribes was originally launched in May 2018 as a single 5-node event. In February 2019, the event was split into its current two parts.

With the new event releases Node Objectives were changed, and Coalition and Progression Rewards were modified.

Historical details of the original B4T event can be found at Battle of Four Tribes (historical).

Special Rules

Third Bosses on each Node have a special permanent support that gives extra abilities. These permanent supports affect both players.

Third Node Bosses are:

1.3 Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca - Merfolk

2.3 Elenda, the Dusk Rose - Vampires

3.3 Azor, the Lawbringer


Node 1 - Shapers (Merfolk)

1.1 Kopala, Warden of Waves

Kopala, Warden of Waves
Level HP            
100 196 +3 +3 +0 +0 +2 +0
Abilities   Effect
Waveward  6  Create 2 1/1 blue Merfolk tokens with Hexproof, then increase the mana cost of the first spell in your opponent's hand by 2.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Jungleborn Pioneer   (2/2) 7       RIX   
Kopala, Warden of Waves   (5/5) 14       XLN   
Mist-Cloaked Herald   (2/2) 7       RIX   
Silvergill Adept   (3/3) 13       RIX   
Tempest Caller   (3/4) 12       XLN   
Dive Down   5       XLN   
Expel from Orazca   6       RIX   
Secrets of the Golden City   5       RIX   
Deeproot Waters   (6) 10       XLN   
Jace's Sanctum   (3) 9       ORI

1.2 Tishana, Voice of Thunder

Tishana, Voice of Thunder
Level HP            
100 196 +2 +3 +0 +0 +4 +0
Abilities   Effect
Elder's Advice  6  Draw a card, then your first creature gets +X/+X, where X is the amount of cards in your hand.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Herald of Secret Streams   (4/4) 11       XLN   
Merfolk Mistbinder   (3/3) 9        RIX   
Shapers of Nature   (4/4) 12        XLN   
Tishana, Voice of Thunder   (1/1) 16        XLN   
Vineshaper Mystic   (2/4) 9       XLN   
Overflowing Insight   13       XLN   
River Heralds' Boon   5       XLN   
Send to Sleep   5       ORI 
Hadana's Climb   (3) 11       RIX   
Sphinx's Tutelage   (2) 6       ORI

1.3 Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca

Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca
Level HP            
120 204 +0 +4 +3 +0 +3 +0
Abilities   Effect
Shaper's Wrath  6  Target Merfolk gets +2/+2 and gains Unblockable and Hexproof until the beginning of your next turn.
Tyrant's Plot 9 Draw a card and gain 3 mana for each Merfolk you control.
Army of Streams 18 Your Merfolk get +4/+4, then create 4 1/1 blue Merfolk tokens with Hexproof.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Deeproot Champion   (2/2) 10       XLN   
Forerunner of the Heralds   (4/3) 12       RIX   
Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca   (4/6) 13        RIX   
Silvergill Adept   (3/3) 13       RIX   
Flood of Recollection   5       RIX   
Perilous Voyage   5       XLN   
Slice in Twain   10       XLN   
Alhammarret's Archive   (4) 12       ORI 
Kumena's Awakening   (4) 5       RIX   
Primal Amulet   (2) 13       XLN  

Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Permanent Node - Call of Kumena

During the boss fight, casting creatures, spells and drawing cards will create cyclical benefits by reducing mana costs, empowering creatures and increasing the speed of the battle.

Node Effect: Permanent Support (both players) * see bugs
Whenever your draw a card, all cards in your hand gain 1 mana
Whenever a creature enters the battlefield, draw a card.
Whenever you cast a spell, your first creature gets +1/+1.

Node 2 - Dusk Legion (Vampires)

2.1 Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle

Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
Level HP            
130 220 +5 +0 +5 +0 +0 +0
Abilities   Effect
Bless of the Fast  3  Reinforce target Vampire you control.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Bishop of Rebirth   (5/5) 14       XLN   
Forerunner of the Legion   (2/2) 10       RIX   
Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle   (4/4) 9       XLN   
Call to the Feast   12        XLN   
Pride of Conquerors   6       RIX   
Queen's Commission   5       XLN   
Slaughter the Strong   11       RIX   
Settle the Wreckage   (2) 12       XLN   
Legion's Landing   (4) 7       XLN   
Squire's Devotion   (2) 8       RIX  

2.2 Vona, Butcher of Magan

Vona, Butcher of Magan
Level HP            
140 252 +2 +0 +6 +4 +0 +0
Abilities   Effect
Endless Hunger  9  Destroy the last creature your opponent controls, gain life equal to its toughness. *See Bugs.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Champion of Dusk   (5/5) 13       RIX   
Inspiring Cleric   (3/2) 9       XLN   
Legion Lieutenant   (3/3) 9        RIX   
Oathsworn Vampire   (2/2) 8       RIX   
Vona, Butcher of Magan   (7/7) 16        XLN   
Read the Bones   4       ORI 
Ritual of Rejuvenation   7       XLN   
Vraska's Contempt   9       XLN   
Journey to Eternity   (2) 9        RIX   
Profane Procession   (3) 12        RIX  

2.3 Elenda, the Dusk Rose

Elenda, the Dusk Rose
Level HP            
160 360 +6 +1 +6 +4 +1 +0
Abilities   Effect
Legion of Dusk  6  Create 4 1/1 white Vampire tokens with Lifelink
Bloodletting 12 Your opponent's creatures get +4/-4
Eternal Devotion 15 Reinforce all your creatures. They gain Lifelink.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Bishop of Rebirth   (5/5) 14       XLN   
Elenda, the Dusk Rose   (2/2) 11        RIX   
Martyr of Dusk   (2/2) 7       RIX   
Sanctum Seeker   (5/5) 13       XLN   
Vicious Conquistador   (1/2) 7       XLN   
Costly Plunder   3       XLN   
Vona's Hunger   10       RIX   
Walk the Plank   7       XLN   
Profane Procession//Tomb of the Dusk Rose   (3) 12        RIX   
Unclaimed Territory   (3) 12       XLN  

Elenda, the Dusk Rose Permanent Node - Martyrdom

During the boss fight, sacrificing your own Vampires and destroying the opponent's creatures will grant players control of the battlefield. Try to disable, exile or gain control of the enemy's army to achieve victory.

Node Effect: Permanent Support (both players) * see bugs
Whenever a white Vampire dies under your control, gain 3 loyalty
Whenever a black Vampire dies under your control, your opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
Whenever a nontoken Vampire dies under your control, create a 1/1 White Vampire token with Lifelink.
Whenever a creature dies under your opponent's control, all your Vampires get +1/+1.

Node 3 - Azor, the Lawbringer

3.1 Golden Guardian

The Golden Guardians will fully benefit from loyalty gems. They have abilities to replicate themselves and smash the player's planeswalker. Be ready to face a constant flow of large Golems.

Golden Guardian
Level HP            
170 401 +2 +5 +2 +5 +2 +0
Abilities   Effect
Seventy Times Seventy 15 Convert 7 gems of your opponent's colors to Loyalty gems. Create a 7/7 colorless Golem token.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Awakened Amalgam   (1/1) 13       RIX   
Wayward Swordtooth   (10/10) 10       RIX   
Brass's Bounty   4       RIX   
Golden Demise   9       RIX   
Arch of Orazca   (4) 7       RIX   
Golden Guardian//Gold-Forge Garrison   (3) 15       RIX   
Hierophant's Chalice   (3) 9       XLN   
Sorcerous Spyglass   (3) 10       XLN   
Treasure Map//Treasure Cove   (2) 11       XLN   
Unclaimed Territory   (3) 12       XLN  

3.2 Azor's Gateway

Should be approached as a puzzle as you try to ascend as fast as possible to receive the City's Blessing in order to deliver the ultimate hit on the opponent's planeswalker. Be aware of a one-hit KO battle, and prevent the Gateway from Ascending.

Azor's Gateway
Level HP            
180 222 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +0
Abilities   Effect
Maze of the Sun  9  If you don't have the City's Blessing gain 10 life, then fetch the next support from your library. It gains full mana.
Trap of the Sun 9 City's Blessing If you have the City's Blessing, deal 999 damage to your opponent.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Shore Keeper   (0/7) 10       XLN   
Contract Killing   10       XLN   
Depths of Desire   6       XLN   
Expel from Orazca   6       RIX   
Vona's Hunger   10       RIX   
Arch of Orazca   (4) 7       RIX   
Azor's Gateway//Sanctum of the Sun   (3) 12       RIX   
Kumena's Awakening   (4) 5       RIX   
Treasure Map//Treasure Cove   (2) 11       XLN   
Trove of Temptation   (3) 9       XLN  

3.3 Azor, the Lawbringer

Azor, the Lawbringer
Level HP            
200 503 +6 +6 +3 +3 +3 +0
Abilities   Effect
Azorius Charm  4  Draw 2 cards. Gain 2 life.
Sphinx's Renewal 12 Return the last support from your graveyard to your hand. It gains full mana.
Supreme Verdict 24 Exile all your opponent's creatures.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Azor, the Lawbringer   (6/6) 20        RIX   
Paladin of Atonement   (1/1) 6       RIX   
Ringwarden Owl   (4/4) 10       ORI 
Warkite Marauder   (4/3) 13       RIX   
Admiral's Order   7       RIX   
Demystify   3       XLN   
Expel from Orazca   6       RIX   
Ixalan's Binding   (3) 11       XLN   
Thaumatic Compass   (4) 11       XLN   
The Immortal Sun   (3) 17       RIX  

Azor, the Lawbringer Permanent Node - Azor's Presence

The sphinx has a great variety of binding spells, bounce effects and creatures that Disable, which can completely fizzle out strategies that were not built to defeat him.

Node Effect: Permanent Support Azor Only
Turn 1 Azor's opponent's creatures can't attack.
Turn 2 Azor's opponent's cannot cast spells until the beginning of Azor's next turn.
Turn 3 Azor's opponent's supports are disabled until the beginning of Azor's next turn. *See Bugs


  Progression rewards (2019-02-08)
Ribbons Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
20 ORI Booster ORI Booster ORI Booster ORI Booster
40 10   10   10   15  
70 1,000  
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
100 10   20   20   25  
150 10  
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
180 20   20   30   35  
210 15  
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
RIX Booster
255 1,000   1,250   1,500   2,000  
300 2 RIX Boosters 2 RIX Boosters 2 RIX Boosters 2 RIX Boosters
  Coalition rewards (2019-02-08)
Rank Reward
1-2 XLN/RIX Mythic Booster
RIX Premium Pack
3,000   · 100   · 85  
3-10 XLN/RIX Mythic Booster
RIX Super Pack
2,500   · 75   · 75  
11-25 XLN/RIX Mythic Booster
RIX Super Pack
2,000   · 50   · 55  
26-50 XLN/RIX Mythic Booster
RIX Booster Pack
1,500   · 40   · 40  
51-100 XLN/RIX Mythic Booster
RIX Booster Pack
1,250   · 30   · 25  
101-250 XLN/RIX Mythic Booster
RIX Booster Pack
1,000   · 30   · 15  
251-500 750   · 30  
501-1,000 500  
1,001-10,000 250  

Charges and Points

Total Possible Points

Initial Charges: 2 Max Charges: 5 ^ Time between charges: 8 hours
Number of Charges Possible Base Points Possible Bonus Points Total Possible Points Time from Start Time in PDT
2 60 30 90 Initial 1:00 PM PDT
3 90 45 135 +8 hours 9:00 PM PDT
4 120 60 180 +16 hours 5:00 AM PDT
5 * 150 75 225 +24 hours 1:00 PM PDT
6 180 90 270 +32 hours 9:00 PM PDT
7 210 105 315 +40 hours 5:00 AM PDT

* Maximum charges reached if you have not started playing yet.

§ 6 hours available to complete last charge.

Known Bugs

Known Bugs

Date Run App Version Node Fixed Bug Description
3/20/18 2.5 2.2 If you have Gideon's Intervention out, Vona’s ability will deduct a shield instead of destroying your creature.  This is true of all prevent damage effects. However, Vona will still gain life.
3/20/18 2.5 x.3 Many “Destroy Support” effects will target the permanent supports.  Tested out with Demolish, in particular.  It also targets those owned by the player.
3/20/18 2.5 3.1 If you have a creature with Ascend while you have the City’s Blessing and you steal a copy of that same creature, it will lose Ascend for the rest of the match.  Observed with Lay Claim and Wayward Swordtooth.