Template:Main page updates

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This template defines the content of the "Game updates" pane of the main page.

This content automatically updates itself after new release data is added. A brief summary of the most recent 3 releases are shown.

Release data is added by the following steps:

  1. Update Template:Release_list:
    • Increment the number in the first field (e.g. change "35" to "36")
    • Add the release number of the new version as a new field at the end of the list (e.g. add "| 3.3")
  2. Add the event data for the new release (e.g. add the page Template:Release data: 3.3). This can be done by copying the contents of an existing release data page and modifying it for the new release. (Documentation: Template:Release data)


The following shorthand:

{{Main page updates}}


[[[:Template:Release data: 7.1.0]] Release Template:Release data: 7.1.0 (Template:Release data: 7.1.0)]:
New Card Set [[Template:Release data: 7.1.0]] ([[Template:Release data: 7.1.0]] [[File:Template:Release data: 7.1.0_Symbol.png|x20px|link=Template:Release data: 7.1.0|Template:Release data: 7.1.0]])
New Planeswalker [[]] ()
New Event [[]]
[[Template:Release data: 7.1.0]] card set moved out of Standard · '

Release 7.0.1 (10th December 2024):
New Planeswalker Xenagos, the Reveler (RedGreen)
New Planeswalker Aminatou, the Fateshifter (WhiteBlueBlack)
New Planeswalker Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker (BlueBlackRed)

Release 7.0.0 (19th November 2024):
New Card Set Foundations (FDN Foundations)
New Planeswalker Chandra, Flameshaper ()
New Planeswalker Kaito, Cunning Infiltrator (Blue)

New Event Creatures of Magic
New Event Strategic Conflict
New Event Return of the God-Pharaoh

Release 6.9.1 (29th October 2024):
New Planeswalker Angrath, Minotaur Pirate (BlackRed)
New Event Trick or Treat 2024

Release 6.9.0 (12th Aug 2024):
New Card Set Duskmourn: House of Horror (DSK Duskmourn: House of Horror)
New Planeswalker Kaito, Bane of Nightmares (BlueBlack)
New Planeswalker Liliana of the Dark Realms (Black)

New Event Night of the Hunt
New Event Battle for the Crown

Release 6.8.1 (10th September 2024):
New Planeswalker Garruk, Apex Predator (BlackGreen)
New Planeswalker Chandra, Hope's Beacon ()

New Event Seasons of Bloomburrow

Release 6.8.0 (12th Aug 2024):
New Card Set Bloomburrow (BLB Bloomburrow)
New Planeswalker Archangel Elspeth (White)
New Planeswalker Ral, Crackling Wit (BlueRed)

New Event Commoner Cup
MID, VOW, NEO, SNC card sets moved out of Standard

Release 6.7.0 (2nd July 2024):
New Card Set Puzzle Masters 2 (PM2 Puzzle Masters 2)
New Planeswalker Sorin, Ravenous Neonate (WhiteBlack)
New Planeswalker Ral, Leyline Prodigy (BlueRed)
New Planeswalker Grist, The Plague Swarm (BlackGreen)

New Event Mana Burn

Release 6.6.1 (4th June 2024):
New Planeswalker Dack Fayden (BlueRed)
New Planeswalker Jace Reawakened (Blue)

New Event Implicit Maze
New Event The Greatest Heist

Release 6.6.0 (3rd May 2024):
New Card Set Outlaws of Thunder Junction (OTJ Outlaws of Thunder Junction)
New Planeswalker Oko, The Ringleader (BlueGreen)
New Planeswalker Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast (BlackRed)

New Event Locomotive Looters

Release 6.5.2 (2nd April 2024):
New Planeswalker Commodore Guff (WhiteBlueRed)
New Planeswalker Vraska, Betrayal’s Sting (Black)

New Event Who's the Killer
New Event Leyline Dominion