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Card pack

Revision as of 21:01, 20 December 2022 by AnarchangeI (talk | contribs)

Card packs are the primary means of obtaining cards. Card packs may be purchased using in-game currency Resources, or gained as rewards in Events. A free pack may also be claimed at regular intervals.


Missing cards may be obtained by Crafting. Cards may not be traded between players.

Drop rate quantification was altered in September 2022 to show the probability that a card rarity would appear in the entire pack. Previously (the rates in brackets), probabilities indicated the chance that a given card would be of a given rarity, and thus the percentages added up to 100%.

The current wording for (%) percentage chance list is: "The percentages below refer to the odds of getting at least one card from the associated rarity within the entire purchase "

Once acquired, a card pack may be opened at any time. Opening a card pack provides a fixed number of random cards, generally from the same card set. These opened cards may be new for the player, or already owned ("duplicates" or "dupes").

  • New cards are added to the player's collection, and may subsequently be added to Decks.
  • Duplicate cards are converted to runes (Mana Runes) and mana orb (Mana Orbs) Resources.

The contents of the pack are determined when opened, so what determines the contents may change before it is opened. I.e., cards from new sets may be added to the possibilities, and cards from Standard that rotate out to Legacy may be removed, and some pack contents are purposely preserved. Information about what a pack will and will not contain is usually found first, and first hand, from Coalitions and MtGPQ Discord channels.



Each card has a rarity of either Common  , Uncommon  , Rare  , Mythic  , or Masterpiece  . Progressively rarer cards are less likely to drop from packs, according to drop rates set by the publisher. Drop rates may change at any time.

Some rarities never drop from some pack types. Normally, cards of all rarity except Masterpiece can be obtained by Crafting. Masterpiece cards may only be crafted as a VIP bonus.

Pack types

Regular pack types

Current and previous probabilities. For sale, regularly, for various currencies

 : Unknown whether this is current value
 : Current data ingame as of October 2022
Pack type # cards Cost Notes Per 100 cards ★
/ Per pack ‡
C   U   R   M   MP  
Booster Pack 5 60   5 cards; rates vary slightly per set 55 /
~ 98%
39 /
~ 92%
5 /
~ 24%
1.4 /
~ 7%
0.1 /
Super Pack 15 150   3 Booster packs
Premium Pack 26 300   5 Booster Packs plus a random rare
Free Booster 3 - Three random cards from Standard sets 82 /
15 /
2 /
0.1 /
- /
Elite Pack 1 400   (Mythic+ Pack) A single non-dupe Mythic or better - - - 70 /
30 /
120   (Rare+ Pack) A single Rare or better - - 75 /
22 /
3 /

The contents of Elite packs are tracked on the wiki at Elite pack tracking.

Unusual or obsolete pack types

Current and previous probabilities. Offered as rewards and rarely if ever for currency, or no longer for sale

 : Unknown whether this is current value
 : Current data ingame as of October 2022
Pack type # cards Cost Notes Per 100 cards ★ /
Per pack ‡
C   U   R   M   MP  
Basic Booster 3 - Three random cards from the ORI, KLD, AER, AKH and HOU sets 73 / 97.97% 23 / 54.94% 3.6 / 10.28% 0.4 / 1.07% 0.02 / 0.07%
Standard Booster 5 - Five random cards from Standard sets 97.96% 91.58% 24.13% 6.96% .36%
Legacy Booster 5 - Five random cards from Legacy sets % % % % %
Standard Booster (non-duplicate) 5 - 5 cards from Standard sets; each will not be the same as any card already owned ★ 97.96% 91.58% 24.13% 6.96% .36%
Legacy Bundle (non-duplicate) 5 - 5 cards from Legacy sets; each will not be the same as any card already owned ★ 97.96% 91.58% 24.13% 6.96% .36%
Free Pack 1 - (Obsolete, replaced by 3-card Free Pack) One random card 83 15 2 0.1 -
Fat Pack 20 200   4 Booster packs (Obsolete, replaced by Super Pack) 54 41 4 1 -
Big Box 71 600   14 Booster packs plus a random rare or mythic (Obsolete, replaced by Premium Pack)

★ If, for example, the player owns all  ,   and   cards, non-duplicate packs can contain only   and   cards. Therefore, the percentages shown must be a starting point: the probabilities as if no cards were owned

Around AFR, releases of selected cards were offered in the Vault: packs of a single color, and later, themed, named packs. An example of the latter is "Bloody Glory", a Kaldheim pack accessing 30% of the set's cards at a 50% higher price and up to 19 times higher rate of rare cards:   96.39%,   82.12%,   54.48%,   27.81%, and 7.07% chance of a Masterpiece.

Packs and releases

The likely contents of Booster packs of any given set will, by definition, differ from those of another set not only by their particular cards, but in the probability of a given rarity appearing. And for the same reason: the sets are different.

Hibernum expansions

As of October 2022, there were 37 sets released, but there are only 34 Booster packs available. Eldritch Moon cards were moved into Shadows over Innistrad packs, Oath of the Gatewatch to Battle for Zendikar, and Aether Revolt was rolled into Kaladesh.[1] Hibernum made them expansion sets; they are not available to purchase on their own,[2] although they have been offered as prizes on occasion.

Not only do they not have their own packs, they only contain one-third or so of the associated Magic: the Gathering set's cards. Commons were the first to go, and none of the three have a single  . Not having Masterpieces is a separate issue; KLD was the first to have  , AER has them, and BFZ and SOI do not.

Because they have no packs, they tend to have their main set's cards offered as rewards in their own events. Eldritch Moon even had its cards given as rewards in the main set's event: as of October 2022, an EMN Rare is still given as a reward in Avacyn's Madness; not in a pack, but "loose", as are rewards for Training.

Hour of Devastation was the first set to not be added to the pool of cards of the previous, odd-numbered release. All of this may sound dire, but most of it either benefits the player or balances out. Commons tend to be less useful. Not having Masterpieces means that more powerful cards tend to be found at the Mythic or even Rare level, to which Omniscience and Whir of Invention attest. Players were concerned, when Hour of Devastation was announced, that its large card pool would make acquiring Amonkhet cards too difficult, but it was not made into an expansion. The small size of the three expansion sets, with their smaller card pool, less diluted their main sets.

Booster packs by set

The drop rate of Booster packs released early on vary from those released today, and from each other. Releases after M20 all have the same probabilities now, if they did not at release. Sets as far back as Kaladesh had or were given the same probabilities as today, but the set that began the current continuity of unvarying 97.96%, 91.58%, 24.13%, 6.96%, 0.36% probabilities is Core Set 2020.

Set C   U   Rare   Mythic   MP  
  Origins ORI 99.71% 75.65% 23.37% 5.92% 0.00%
  Battle for Zendikar BFZ 99.71% 75.81% 23.31% 5.82% 0.00%
  Shadows over Innistrad SOI 99.67% 75.43% 27.40% 6.22% 0.00%
  Kaladesh KLD 97.96% 91.58% 24.13% 6.96% 0.36%
  Amonkhet AKH 97.98% 91.62% 23.62% 6.97% 0.36%
  Hour of Devastation HOU 97.96% 91.63% 23.46% 7.29% 0.50%
  Ixalan XLN 98.64% 89.96% 18.42% 6.32% 0.99%
  Rivals of Ixalan RIX 97.98% 91.52% 24.45% 6.61% 0.35%
  Dominaria DOM 97.95% 91.61% 23.45% 7.57% 0.50%
  Core Set 2019 M19 97.96% 91.63% 23.46% 7.29% 0.50%
  Guilds of Ravnica GRN 97.96% 91.58% 24.13% 6.96% 0.36%
  Ravnica Allegiance RNA 97.93% 91.52% 24.08% 8.06% 0.36%
  War of the Spark WAR 97.96% 91.56% 24.14% 6.96% 0.36%
  Odyssey ODY 0.00% 99.97% 55.24% 17.93% 7.66%
  Torment TOR 0.00% 94.02% 61.65% 21.47% 11.59%
  Judgement JUD 0.00% 94.02% 61.65% 21.47% 11.59%
Current (M20 onwards) 97.96% 91.58% 24.13% 6.96% .36%

Elite packs by set

Elite pack probabilities vary throughout MtGPQ history, up to and including the present.

Set Rare   Mythic   MP  
  Kaladesh KLD 74.63% 22.39% 2.99%
  Kaladesh KLD - 71.43% 28.57%
  Amonkhet AKH - % %
  Hour of Devastation HOU Rare+ 74.63% 22.39% 2.99%
  Hour of Devastation HOU Mythic+ - 71.43% 28.57%
  Ixalan XLN Rare+ 81.92% 16.48% 1.60%
  Ixalan XLN Mythic+ - 75.01% 24.99%
  Core Set 2019 M19 Rare+ 74.60% 22.40% 3.00%
  Core Set 2019 M19 Mythic+ - 71.45% 28.55%
  Core Set 2020 M20 Rare+ 74.63% 22.39% 2.99%
  Core Set 2020 M20 Mythic+ - 71.43% 28.57%
  Dominaria DOM Rare+ 71.45% 25.70% 2.85%
  Dominaria DOM Mythic+ - 64.31% 35.69%
  Strixhaven STX Rare+ 74.63% 22.39% 2.99%
  Strixhaven STX Mythic+ - 71.43% 28.57%
  Adventures in the Forgotten Realms AFR Rare+ 74.63% 22.39% 2.99%
  Adventures in the Forgotten Realms AFR Mythic+ - 71.43% 28.57%
  Midnight Hunt MID Rare+ 74.61% 22.40% 3.00%
  Midnight Hunt MID Mythic+ - 71.43% 28.57%
  Crimson Vow VOW Rare+ 74.64% 22.36% 3.00%
  Crimson Vow VOW Mythic+ - 71.44% 28.56%
  Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty NEO Rare+ 74.63% 22.39% 2.99%
  Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty NEO Mythic+ - 71.43% 28.57%
  Streets of New Capenna SNC Rare+ 74.61% 22.39% 3.00%
  Streets of New Capenna SNC Mythic+ - 71.45% 28.55%
  Dominaria United DMU Rare+ 75.08% 22.52% 2.40%
  Dominaria United DMU Mythic+ - 75.76% 24.24%