Shadows over Innistrad

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Shadows over Innistrad (SOI)
SOI Symbol.png
Released Aug 2016 (version 1.6)
Release notes
Format Legacy Legacy
OGW OGW    ←    SOI SOI    →    EMN EMN
Jun 2016              Aug 2016              Oct 2016
Set mechanics Delirium
Cards 190
Creatures104 · Spells50 · Supports36
Common76 · Uncommon58 · Rare35 · Mythic21
Portal:Cards   (Infobox · Data)

Shadows over Innistrad (SOI) is the fourth Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest set, released in August 2016 in version 1.6 of the game. The set abbreviation is SOI, and the set icon (SOI) resembles a circular arc with a stylised arrow-head on both ends.

Avacyn's Madness and Terrors in the Shadows are Legacy events (the former PvE, the latter PvP) released at the same time as Shadows over Innistrad, featuring cards and other elements of the set. Before December 2016, Terror in the Shadows was a Coalition event.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Nahiri, the Harbinger, Sorin, Grim Nemesis and Tezzeret, the Seeker are Planeswalkers released at the time of the set. All of them have normal mana gains except for Tezzeret, whose is two points lower than a current mono color, at +7 in total. Origins cards are in all of their Starting Decks, but the expansion set following SOI, Eldritch Moon, was the first in which non-Origins cards were added to Planeswalker decks. Probably because EMN was an expansion, Shadows over Innistrad cards were added to the deck of Arlinn, the Pack's Hope, rather than EMN ones.

Emrakul's Corruption, an Eldritch Moon event, gives rewards from SOI. This is because EMN cards are only found in SOI packs. Avacyn's Madness is a SOI event, but gives Eldritch Moon Coalition Rewards; whether purposely or not, the reward makes EMN cards more accessible.


The Shadows over Innistrad set consists of 190 cards across all rarities except Masterpiece.

Eldritch Moon is, according to D3GO, now a "sub-set" of Shadows over Innistrad. All EMN cards were added to SOI packs some time ago, and now can only be found in SOI packs.[1]

Shadows over Innistrad Shadows over Innistrad  Complete card list [Gallery at]