Hour of Devastation

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Hour of Devastation (HOU)
HOU Symbol.png
Released Jul 2017 (version 2.2)
Release notes
Format Legacy Legacy
AKH AKH    ←    HOU HOU    →    XLN XLN
May 2017              Jul 2017              Feb 2018
Set mechanics AfflictAfflict
Cards 190
Creatures96 · Spells72 · Supports22
Common60 · Uncommon55 · Rare40 · Mythic25 · Masterpiece10
Portal:Cards   (Infobox · Data)

Hour of Devastation is the ninth Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest set, released in July 2017 in version 2.2 of the game. The set abbreviation is HOU, and the set icon (HOU) resembles Nicol Bolas's horns.

Hour of Revelation and Hour of Devastation are both Legacy coalition PvP events released at the same time and featuring elements of the set.

Return of the God-Pharaoh is a Legacy PvE event, similarly released.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Liliana, Death's Majesty, Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh and Samut, the Tested are Planeswalkers released at the same time as the set. All of the other Planeswalkers have the mana bonus total that was to become the standard in later sets, but Samut has seven in total; one less than most dual color Planeswalkers.


The Hour of Devastation set consists of 190 cards across all rarities, plus full art variants of 3 of those cards.

HOU was the first Hibernum even-numbered release that was not added to the pool of cards of the previous release. HOU stands alone; its cards have their own packs, they are offered as rewards in its own events, and it has Commons. Previous second sets had none of these things. Eldritch Moon cards were added to Shadows over Innistrad packs, Oath of the Gatewatch to Battle for Zendikar, and Aether Revolt was rolled into Kaladesh.

As sometimes happens, an ability introduced in a previous set (in this case CyclingCycling from the set immediately prior, AKH) was added; 21 HOU cards have Cycling.

Hour of Devastation Hour of Devastation   Complete card list [Gallery at mtgpq.info]