Battle for Zendikar

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Battle for Zendikar (BFZ)
BFZ Symbol.png
Released Apr 2016 (version 1.4)
Release notes
Format Legacy Legacy
ORI ORI    ←    BFZ BFZ    →    OGW OGW
Dec 2015              Apr 2016              Jun 2016
Set mechanics AwakenAwaken
Cards 238
Creatures133 · Spells68 · Supports37
Common97 · Uncommon75 · Rare42 · Mythic24
Portal:Cards   (Infobox · Data)

Battle for Zendikar is the second Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest set, released in April 2016 in version 1.4 of the game. The set abbreviation is BFZ, and the set icon (BFZ) resembles a cracked hedron.

Battle for Zendikar has its own section in Story mode: a Training battles with free card prizes called Learn the Basics, and Battle for Zendikar Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 Story campaigns.

Garruk Wildspeaker, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Koth of the Hammer and Ob Nixilis Reignited are Planeswalkers released at the same time as the set. All of them have only Origins cards in their Starting Decks.

Origins and BFZ Planeswalkers have lower combined mana bonuses than most other single color PWs. This is even true of Koth of the Hammer, with the highest single bonus in the game, at +9. Koth's bonuses, added together, are, like the other BFZ PWs, +7, compared to all other mono PWs' +9. Ob Nixilis has the same total bonus as do Origins PWs: +5.

There are no Battle for Zendikar events, but BFZ cards are given as rewards for Oath of the Gatewatch: Part 1 and Part 2, and Avacyn's Madness.


Battle for Zendikar is the largest set apart from Origins, consisting of 238 cards across all rarities except Masterpiece.

Oath of the Gatewatch cards were included in Battle for Zendikar packs on release of that second set, just as with subsequent main and expansion sets until Hour of Devastation.

Battle for Zendikar Battle for Zendikar   Complete card list [Gallery at]