Return of the God-Pharaoh

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Return of the God-Pharaoh (RGP)
Type PvE Legacy Coalition PvE Legacy Coalition
Rewards Progression rewards Progression
Coalition rewards Coalition placement
Nodes 3 (x3 sub-nodes)
Charges 2 initial charges
6 maximum charges
8h recharge time
Specials Boss Health event  Boss Health event
Card XP gain 20 XP (all wins on a node)
Introduced Hour of Devastation HOU · Jul 2017 · v2.2
Portal:Events   (Infobox · Data)


Return of the God-Pharaoh is a Legacy PvE event introduced in July 2017 with the Hour of Devastation set. This event has the following special features:

boss hp Boss Health event Wins, by any player, reduce a global boss health pool. The event ends when the boss hp reaches 0%.

Node 1

1.1 The Sunset Pyramid

The Sunset Pyramid
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
1 24 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Brick by Brick  6  Summon 1 2/2 Zombie token and draw 1 card.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Carrion Screecher Creatures (3/1) 8 Black Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Disposal Mummy Creatures (1/3) 8 White Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Dutiful Servants Creatures (2/5) 10 White Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Mummy Paramount Creatures (2/2) 5 White Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Wretched Camel Creatures (2/1) 6 Black Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Desert of the Indomitable Spells 5 Green Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Dunes of the Dead Spells 2 Colorless Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Desert of the True Spells 6 White Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

1.2 Oketra's Avenger

Oketra's Avenger
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
10 35 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Fanaticism  6  Target creature you control gains Prevent DamagePrevent Damage and BerserkerBerserker until the end of your turn.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Aven of Enduring Hope Creatures (2/2) 8 White Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
God-Pharaoh's Faithful Creatures (0/4) 4 White Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Graven Abomination Creatures (3/1) 5 Colorless Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Resolute Survivors Creatures (4/4) 9 WhiteRed Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Steadfast Sentinel Creatures (2/2) 12 White Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Sunscourge Champion Creatures (2/3) 13 White Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

1.3 Proven Combatant

Proven Combatant
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
20 47 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Exertion  6  Destroy 1 Activated gem you control.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Champion of Wits Creatures (2/1) 9 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Eternal of Harsh Truths Creatures (2/4) 14 Blue Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Proven Combatant Creatures (1/1) 7 Blue Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
River Hoopoe Creatures (3/5) 17 BlueGreen Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Seer of the Last Tomorrow Creatures (1/4) 8 Blue Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Sinuous Striker Creatures (2/2) 11 Blue Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Vizier of the Anointed Creatures (4/6) 10 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Crumbling Necropolis Supports (3) 13 Colorless Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Farm//Market Supports (1) 10 WhiteBlue Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Jace's Defeat Supports (2) 6 Blue Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

Node 2

2.1 Burning-Fist Minotaur

Burning-Fist Minotaur
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
60 136 +0 +1 +0 +3 +1 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Burning Mind  9  You Discard one card, then the first creature you control gains X Power, where X is the Discard card's mana cost.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Burning-Fist Minotaur Creatures (6/5) 14 Red Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Earthshaker Khenra Creatures (2/1) 7 Red Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Wildfire Eternal Creatures (4/8) 21 Red Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hour of Devastation Spells 15 Red Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Struggle//Survive Spells 15 RedGreen Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Abrade Spells 13 Red Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Dagger of the Worthy Supports (3) 4 Colorless Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
God-Pharaoh's Gift Supports (3) 11 Colorless Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Refuse//Cooperate Supports (10) 11 BlueRed Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

2.2 Eternal of Harsh Truths

Eternal of Harsh Truths
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
80 166 +2 +3 +2 +0 +0 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Affliction  6  Your opponent takes 6 damage and you gain 6 life.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Champion of Wits Creatures (2/1) 9 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Ominous Sphinx Creatures (6/6) 22 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
The Locust God Creatures (8/8) 22 BlueRed Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign Creatures (8/8) 16 Blue Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Vizier of the Anointed Creatures (4/6) 10 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Endless Sands Spells 12 Colorless Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Imaginary Threats Spells 5 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Kefnet's Last Word Spells 11 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Riddleform Supports (2) 7 Blue Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Swarm Intelligence Supports (4) 13 Blue Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

2.3 Unraveling Mummy

Unraveling Mummy
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
100 196 +1 +2 +4 +2 +0 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Mummy's Touch  9  Each Zombie you control gets +4/+4 and Lifelink.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Accursed Horde Creatures (6/6) 13 Black Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Ammit Eternal Creatures (6/6) 10 Black Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Carrion Screecher Creatures (3/1) 8 Black Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Djeru, With Eyes Open Creatures (4/3) 14 White Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
The Scarab God Creatures (8/8) 27 BlueBlack Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Unraveling Mummy Creatures (3/4) 8 WhiteBlack Uncommon Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Doomfall Spells 11 Black Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hour of Glory Spells 11 Black Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Torment of Hailfire Spells 17 Black Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Gideon's Defeat Supports (2) 9 White Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

Node 3

3.1 Uncage the Menagerie

Uncage the Menagerie
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
80 392 +4 +2 +2 +4 +6 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Gone Wild 30 Each creature you control is Reinforced 6 times.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Majestic Myriarch Creatures (1/1) 14 Green Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Pride Sovereign Creatures (4/4) 18 Green Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Ramunap Excavator Creatures (2/3) 9 Green Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Ramunap Hydra Creatures (4/4) 16 Green Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Desert of the Indomitable Spells 5 Green Common Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Endless Sands Spells 12 Colorless Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hostile Desert Spells 9 Colorless Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hour of Promise Spells 11 Green Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Rhonas's Last Stand Spells 7 Green Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Scavenger Grounds Spells 8 Colorless Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

3.2 Razaketh, the Foulblooded

Razaketh, the Foulblooded
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
180 452 +2 +5 +7 +5 +2 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Sacrifice 15 Your opponent takes X damage, where X is the sum of each of your creatures’ Power, then each creature you control is Destroyed.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Apocalypse Demon Creatures (1/1) 15 Black Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Dreamstealer Creatures (1/2) 16 Black Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Obelisk Spider Creatures (1/11) 16 BlackGreen Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
The Scarab God Creatures (8/8) 27 BlueBlack Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
The Scorpion God Creatures (8/8) 18 BlackRed Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Doomfall Spells 11 Black Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Grind//Dust Spells 13 WhiteBlack Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hour of Glory Spells 11 Black Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Torment of Hailfire Spells 17 Black Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
No Mercy Supports (3) 12 Black Masterpiece Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy

3.3 Nicol Bolas

Nicol Bolas
Level HP White mana bonus Blue mana bonus Black mana bonus Red mana bonus Green mana bonus Loyalty bonus
220 532 +4 +6 +6 +6 +4 +0
Abilities Loyalty cost Effect
Touch of Bolas 15 Exile opponent’s last 2 cards in hand, then exile their last 2 creatures on the battlefield, then they take 40 damage.
Card name Type Cost Color Rarity Set 
Wildfire Eternal Creatures (4/8) 21 Red Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Doomfall Spells 11 Black Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hazoret's Undying Fury Spells 21 Red Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hour of Devastation Spells 15 Red Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Hour of Glory Spells 11 Black Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Inferno Jet Spells 10 Red Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Kefnet's Last Word Spells 11 Blue Rare Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Torment of Hailfire Spells 17 Black Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Imminent Doom Supports (1) 10 Red Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy 
Swarm Intelligence Supports (4) 13 Blue Mythic Hour of Devastation HOU Legacy


Progression rewards Progression rewards
Ribbons Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
40 500 Mana Runes 2,000 Mana Runes 2,500 Mana Runes 3,000 Mana Runes
80 5 Mana Crystals 5 Mana Crystals 10 Mana Crystals 15 Mana Crystals
140 Basic Booster Pack Basic Booster Pack Basic Booster Pack Basic Booster Pack
200 10 Mana Crystals 15 Mana Crystals 15 Mana Crystals 20 Mana Crystals
280 1,000 Mana Runes 5 Mana Jewels 10 Mana Jewels 10 Mana Jewels
360 HOU Booster Pack HOU Booster Pack HOU Booster Pack HOU Booster Pack
440 10 Mana Crystals 20 Mana Crystals 20 Mana Crystals 25 Mana Crystals
520 10 Mana Jewels 10 Mana Jewels 15 Mana Jewels 20 Mana Jewels
600 HOU Booster Pack HOU Booster Pack HOU Booster Pack HOU Booster Pack
Coalition rewards Coalition rewards
Rank Reward
1-2 HOU Rare Card
120 Mana Crystals · 50 Mana Jewels
3-10 HOU Rare Card
80 Mana Crystals · 30 Mana Jewels
11-25 HOU Rare Card
50 Mana Crystals · 25 Mana Jewels
26-50 HOU Rare Card
40 Mana Crystals · 20 Mana Jewels
51-100 HOU Rare Card
30 Mana Crystals · 15 Mana Jewels
101-250 20 Mana Crystals · 10 Mana Jewels
251-500 10 Mana Crystals · 5 Mana Jewels
501-1000 10 Mana Crystals · 1 Mana Jewels
1001-10000 250 Mana Runes
Total Possible Points
Number of charges Possible points Time elapsed Time in UTC
Base Bonus Total
(Initial charges) 100 60 160 -START- 9:00 AM
3 150 90 240 +8 Hrs 5:00 PM
4 200 120 320 +16 Hrs 1:00 AM
5 250 150 400 +24 Hrs 9:00 AM
(Max charges reached)* 300 180 480 +32 Hrs 5:00 PM
7 350 210 560 +40 Hrs 1:00 AM
8 400 240 640 +48 Hrs 9:00 AM
9 450 270 720 +56 Hrs 5:00 PM
10 500 300 800 +64 Hrs 1:00 AM
11 550 330 880 +72 Hrs 9:00 AM
12§ 600 360 960 +80 Hrs 5:00 PM
Event end 960 +84 Hrs 9:00 PM

* Maximum charges reached if you have not started playing yet.
§ 4 hours available to complete last charge.
This is a boss health event, which can potentially end prior to the scheduled finish time.

Historical Data

Historical objectives

Original secondary objectives
Date Run Node Objective 1 Objective 2
Until Jul 2018 1.1 Take 10 or less damage Lose 2 or less creatures
Until Jul 2018 1.2 Lose 3 or less creatures Summon 4 or more creatures
Until Jul 2018 1.3 Cast 2 or less Supports Cast 4 or more spells
Until Jul 2018 2.1 Cast 3 or less spells Summon 2 or less creatures
Until Jul 2018 2.2 Kill 3 or less enemy creatures Cast 4 or more supports
Until Jul 2018 2.3 Take 20 or less damage Kill 3 or more enemy creatures
Until Jul 2018 3.1 Cast 2 or less spells Lose 3 or less creatures
Until Jul 2018 3.2 Cast 2 or less supports Cast 4 or more spells
Until Jul 2018 3.3 Kill 3 or less enemy creatures Cast 4 or more supports