Template:Infobox pw
1: Spiraling Time
Ability Level
PW level
6-19 |
9 |
Return target creature that costs 8 or less to your opponent's hand.
20-35 |
9 |
Return target creature that costs 12 or less to your opponent's hand.
36-49 |
9 |
Return target creature that costs 12 or less to your opponent's hand and increase its cost by 3.
50-60 |
9 |
Return target creature that costs 12 or less to your opponent's hand and increase its cost by 5.
2: Sight of the Future
Ability Level
PW level
10-25 |
15 |
Draw 2 cards.
26-39 |
15 |
Draw 2 cards and gain 1 extra swaps.
40-55 |
15 |
Draw 3 cards and gain 1 extra swaps.
56-60 |
15 |
Draw 4 cards and gain 1 extra swaps.
3: Plane in Chaos
Ability Level
PW level
16-29 |
21 |
Create a Minor Zhalfir's Fate Token [with 2 Shield and "Whenever you draw a card, your opponent loses a reinforcement. If they can't, they exile a creature."]
30-45 |
21 |
Create a Zhalfir's Fate Token [with 3 Shield and "Whenever you draw a card, your opponent loses a reinforcement. If they can't, they exile a creature."].
46-59 |
21 |
Create a Improved Zhalfir's Fate Token [with 3 Shield and "Whenever you draw a card, your opponent loses a reinforcement. If they can't, they exile a creature. If they can't, they exile a Support."].
60 |
21 |
Create a Major Zhalfir's Fate Token [with 3 Shield and "Whenever you draw a card, your opponent loses a reinforcement. If they can't, they exile a creature. If they can't, they exile a Support. If they can't, increase the cost of cards in their hand by 1."].
Starting Deck
After sacrificing his Planeswalker spark to save
Dominaria from temporal rifts caused by his
previous meddling, Teferi could no longer traverse
the planes. Now, with his spark restored by his
friend Jhoira, he is ready to confront the mistakes
of his past. Mistakes that he is constantly
reminded of by the unnatural void that took his
homeland's (Zhalfir) place in the plane.